oneflow.Tensor =================================== .. The documentation is referenced from: A :class:`oneflow.Tensor` is a multi-dimensional matrix containing elements of a single data type. .. currentmodule:: oneflow Data types ---------- OneFlow defines 8 Tensor types with CPU and GPU variants which are as follows: ======================================= =============================================== =============================== ================================== Data type dtype CPU tensor GPU tensor ======================================= =============================================== =============================== ================================== Boolean ``oneflow.bool`` :class:`oneflow.BoolTensor` :class:`oneflow.cuda.BoolTensor` 8-bit integer (unsigned) ``oneflow.uint8`` :class:`oneflow.ByteTensor` :class:`oneflow.cuda.ByteTensor` 8-bit integer (signed) ``oneflow.int8`` :class:`oneflow.CharTensor` :class:`oneflow.cuda.CharTensor` 64-bit floating point ``oneflow.float64`` or ``oneflow.double`` :class:`oneflow.DoubleTensor` :class:`oneflow.cuda.DoubleTensor` 32-bit floating point ``oneflow.float32`` or ``oneflow.float`` :class:`oneflow.FloatTensor` :class:`oneflow.cuda.FloatTensor` 16-bit floating point ``oneflow.float16`` or ``oneflow.half`` :class:`oneflow.HalfTensor` :class:`oneflow.cuda.HalfTensor` 32-bit integer (signed) ``oneflow.int32`` or ```` :class:`oneflow.IntTensor` :class:`oneflow.cuda.IntTensor` 64-bit integer (signed) ``oneflow.int64`` or ``oneflow.long`` :class:`oneflow.LongTensor` :class:`oneflow.cuda.LongTensor` ======================================= =============================================== =============================== ================================== Initializing and basic operations --------------------------------- A tensor can be constructed from a Python :class:`list` or sequence using the :func:`oneflow.tensor` constructor: :: >>> import oneflow >>> import numpy as np >>> oneflow.tensor([[1., -1.], [1., -1.]]) tensor([[ 1., -1.], [ 1., -1.]], dtype=oneflow.float32) >>> oneflow.tensor(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])) tensor([[ 1, 2, 3], [ 4, 5, 6]], dtype=oneflow.int64) .. warning:: :func:`oneflow.tensor` always copies :attr:`data`. If you have a Tensor :attr:`data` and just want to change its ``requires_grad`` flag, use :meth:`~oneflow.Tensor.requires_grad_` or :meth:`~oneflow.Tensor.detach` to avoid a copy. If you have a numpy array and want to avoid a copy, use :func:`oneflow.as_tensor`. .. A tensor of specific data type can be constructed by passing a :class:`oneflow.dtype` and/or a :class:`oneflow.device` to a constructor or tensor creation op: :: >>> import oneflow >>> oneflow.zeros([2, 4], dtype=oneflow.int32) tensor([[ 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=oneflow.int32) >>> cuda0 = oneflow.device('cuda:0') >>> oneflow.ones([2, 4], dtype=oneflow.float64, device=cuda0) tensor([[ 1., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., 1.]], device='cuda:0', dtype=oneflow.float64) For more information about building tensors, see :ref:`tensor-creation-ops` The contents of a tensor can be accessed and modified using Python's indexing and slicing notation: :: >>> import oneflow >>> x = oneflow.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> print(x[1][2]) tensor(6, dtype=oneflow.int64) >>> x[0][1] = 8 >>> print(x) tensor([[1, 8, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=oneflow.int64) Use :meth:`oneflow.Tensor.item` to get a Python number from a tensor containing a single value: :: >>> import oneflow >>> x = oneflow.tensor([[1]]) >>> x tensor([[1]], dtype=oneflow.int64) >>> x.item() 1 >>> x = oneflow.tensor(2.5) >>> x tensor(2.5000, dtype=oneflow.float32) >>> x.item() 2.5 For more information about indexing, see :ref:`indexing-slicing-joining` A tensor can be created with :attr:`requires_grad=True` so that :mod:`oneflow.autograd` records operations on them for automatic differentiation. :: >>> import oneflow >>> x = oneflow.tensor([[1., -1.], [1., 1.]], requires_grad=True) >>> out = x.pow(2).sum() >>> out.backward() >>> x.grad tensor([[ 2., -2.], [ 2., 2.]], dtype=oneflow.float32) .. note:: For more information on the :class:`oneflow.dtype`, :class:`oneflow.device`, and :class:`oneflow.layout` attributes of a :class:`oneflow.Tensor`, see :ref:`tensor-attributes-doc`. .. note:: Methods which mutate a tensor are marked with an underscore suffix. For example, :func:`oneflow.FloatTensor.add_` computes the absolute value in-place and returns the modified tensor, while :func:`oneflow.FloatTensor.add` computes the result in a new tensor. .. note:: To change an existing tensor's :class:`oneflow.device` and/or :class:`oneflow.dtype`, consider using :meth:`` method of Tensor object. .. warning:: Current implementation of :class:`oneflow.Tensor` introduces memory overhead, thus it might lead to unexpectedly high memory usage in the applications with many tiny tensors. If this is your case, consider using one large structure. Tensor class reference ---------------------- .. class:: Tensor() There are a few main ways to create a tensor, depending on your use case. - To create a tensor with pre-existing data, use :func:`oneflow.tensor`. - To create a tensor with specific size, use ``oneflow.*`` tensor creation ops (see :ref:`tensor-creation-ops`). - To create a tensor with the same size (and similar types) as another tensor, use ``oneflow.*_like`` tensor creation ops (see :ref:`tensor-creation-ops`). .. currentmodule:: oneflow .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: Tensor.new_empty Tensor.new_ones Tensor.new_zeros Tensor.new_full Tensor.new_tensor Tensor.is_cuda Tensor.is_global Tensor.device Tensor.grad Tensor.ndim Tensor.abs Tensor.acos Tensor.acosh Tensor.add Tensor.add_ Tensor.addcdiv Tensor.addcdiv_ Tensor.addcmul Tensor.addcmul_ Tensor.addmm Tensor.all Tensor.amin Tensor.amax Tensor.any Tensor.arccos Tensor.arccosh Tensor.arcsin Tensor.arcsinh Tensor.arctan Tensor.arctanh Tensor.argmax Tensor.argmin Tensor.argsort Tensor.argwhere Tensor.asin Tensor.asinh Tensor.atan Tensor.atan2 Tensor.atanh Tensor.backward Tensor.bmm Tensor.bool Tensor.byte Tensor.cast Tensor.ceil Tensor.ceil_ Tensor.chunk Tensor.clamp Tensor.clamp_ Tensor.clip Tensor.clip_ Tensor.clone Tensor.contiguous Tensor.copy_ Tensor.cos Tensor.cosh Tensor.cpu Tensor.cuda Tensor.cumprod Tensor.cumsum Tensor.detach Tensor.placement Tensor.sbp Tensor.diag Tensor.diagonal Tensor.dim Tensor.div Tensor.div_ Tensor.double Tensor.dtype Tensor.digamma Tensor.element_size Tensor.eq Tensor.equal Tensor.erf Tensor.erfc Tensor.erfinv Tensor.erfinv_ Tensor.exp Tensor.exp2 Tensor.expand Tensor.expand_as Tensor.expm1 Tensor.fill_ Tensor.flatten Tensor.flip Tensor.float Tensor.floor Tensor.floor_ Tensor.floor_divide Tensor.fmod Tensor.gather Tensor.get_device Tensor.grad_fn Tensor.gt_ Tensor.half Tensor.in_top_k Tensor.index_select Tensor.index_add Tensor.index_add_ Tensor.is_contiguous Tensor.is_floating_point Tensor.is_lazy Tensor.is_leaf Tensor.isinf Tensor.isnan Tensor.item Tensor.le Tensor.lerp Tensor.lerp_ Tensor.log Tensor.log1p Tensor.log2 Tensor.log10 Tensor.logical_and Tensor.logical_or Tensor.logical_not Tensor.logical_xor Tensor.long Tensor.masked_fill Tensor.masked_fill_ Tensor.masked_select Tensor.matmul Tensor.max Tensor.maximum Tensor.median Tensor.mean Tensor.min Tensor.minimum Tensor.mish Tensor.mode Tensor.mul Tensor.mul_ Tensor.frac Tensor.frac_ Tensor.nansum Tensor.narrow Tensor.ndimension Tensor.neg Tensor.negative Tensor.nelement Tensor.nonzero Tensor.norm Tensor.normal_ Tensor.numel Tensor.numpy Tensor.offload Tensor.load Tensor.is_offloaded Tensor.permute Tensor.pow Tensor.quantile Tensor.reciprocal Tensor.register_hook Tensor.relu Tensor.repeat Tensor.repeat_interleave Tensor.requires_grad Tensor.requires_grad_ Tensor.reshape Tensor.reshape_as Tensor.retain_grad Tensor.roll Tensor.round Tensor.round_ Tensor.rsqrt Tensor.selu Tensor.shape Tensor.sigmoid Tensor.sign Tensor.silu Tensor.sin Tensor.sin_ Tensor.sinh Tensor.size Tensor.softmax Tensor.softplus Tensor.softsign Tensor.sort Tensor.split Tensor.sqrt Tensor.square Tensor.squeeze Tensor.squeeze_ Tensor.std Tensor.storage_offset Tensor.stride Tensor.logsumexp Tensor.sum Tensor.swapaxes Tensor.swapdims Tensor.sub Tensor.sub_ Tensor.tan Tensor.tanh Tensor.tile Tensor.local_to_global Tensor.global_to_global Tensor.to_global Tensor.to_local Tensor.to_consistent Tensor.tolist Tensor.topk Tensor.transpose Tensor.tril Tensor.triu Tensor.trunc Tensor.type_as Tensor.type Tensor.t Tensor.T Tensor.unbind Tensor.unfold Tensor.uniform_ Tensor.unsqueeze Tensor.unsqueeze_ Tensor.as_strided Tensor.as_strided_ Tensor.var Tensor.view Tensor.view_as Tensor.where Tensor.zero_ Tensor.nms Tensor.pin_memory Tensor.is_pinned Tensor.inverse Tensor.cross Tensor.scatter Tensor.scatter_ Tensor.scatter_add Tensor.scatter_add_ Tensor.bernoulli Tensor.bernoulli_ Tensor.bincount Tensor.isclose Tensor.allclose Tensor.broadcast_to Tensor.unique Tensor.bitwise_and Tensor.bitwise_or Tensor.bitwise_xor Tensor.baddbmm